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Replacement Coils

Keep your vape device performing at its best with Replacement Coils from Vape City! These essential components are designed to ensure optimal flavor and vapor production by replacing the coil in your vape tank when it starts to wear out. Available for a variety of devices and tanks, Replacement Coils are easy to install and help maintain a consistent vaping experience. Shop our selection of high-quality replacement coils to keep your vape working like new!

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Frequently Asked Questions about Replacement Coils

Replacement Coils are the heating elements inside your vape tank that heat the e-liquid to produce vapor. Over time, coils degrade due to frequent use, resulting in a decrease in flavor and vapor quality. Replacing your coil ensures your device continues to deliver optimal performance.

The frequency of coil replacement depends on your usage habits, the type of e-liquid used, and the coil’s material. Generally, coils should be replaced every 1-2 weeks if used regularly, or sooner if you notice a drop in flavor or vapor production, or if you experience a burnt taste.

Replacing the coil is simple. First, ensure your tank is empty, then unscrew the tank and remove the old coil. Insert the new coil, making sure it's properly seated, and screw the tank back together. Be sure to prime your new coil by applying a few drops of e-liquid to the wick before use to prevent burning.